Research Management (FOMA)

FOMA – Empowering research excellence in Human Sciences

The role of FOMA is to strengthen and develop basic and applied research at the Faculty of Human Sciences of the University of Bern. In line with the Faculty Strategy 2030, the focus is on competent, critical and creative individuals in their endeavors to decide and act responsibly.

The services of FOMA are directed to the three institutes of the Faculty - Educational Science, Psychology, and Sport Science - and are divided into the following areas:

FOMA is happy to advise you in all phases of your research project, from generating a research idea to implementation and the possible transfer of scientific results into practice.

Our support covers the following project phases:

Phase Support Services
Project Idea
  • Developing a research idea (e.g., linking concepts)
  • Finding competent project partners
Project Proposal
  • Identifying suitable financial support
  • Assistance with the application process
Project Start
  • Support in formulating ethics applications and adhering to ethical guidelines
  • Structuring data management (throughout the project)
  • Planning the project and internal communication
Project Implementation
  • Consultation on project management (e.g., ethics monitoring and control)
  • Promoting networking and cooperation with other researchers
Project Conclusion
  • Publication and communication of findings to the general public
  • Populating repositories
  • Creation of final reports
  • Transfer of research results into practice
  • Archiving of results

FOMA also offers you individual support in shaping your scientific career, helps in building scientific networks, and contributes to realizing potential synergies within and outside the Faculty of Human Sciences.

Below you will find an overview graphic (in German) of our advisory services for the various phases of a research project:

In addition to project-specific advice, FOMA also develops content and formats that are made available to all researchers of the Faculty. Current formats include:

  • FOMA Webinars and FOMA Info Events for knowledge transfer in research-related areas
  • FOMA Intranet as a reference tool for research-related topics
  • FOMA Newsletter as a regular source of information on research-related news, developments and offers

FOMA supports research-related communication with the public and uses the following channels for this purpose:

  • a podcast series to inform the general public about research at the Faculty
  • a LinkedIn account for the Faculty and its institutes to network with other experts
  • a website to publicize research highlights and coverage of Faculty members in the media

FOMA is actively engaged in fostering the research infrastructure and the strategic development of our Faculty. We develop research support structures that include both organizational improvements and the provision of technical infrastructure. In addition, we identify development opportunities and contribute to further developing areas with potential identified in the Faculty Strategy 2030.

Research Management Team